Amidst the bustling chaos of the End Of Financial Year Sale, Subaru sought a standout presence in a crowded market.
Amanda Leaney: Marketing Director, Subaru Australia
NBC Universal & The Secret Life of Pets 2
David Flanagan: Director of Strategy & Creative
Josh McEvoy: Art Director, Senior Animator & Partner
Marc Collister: Managing Director & Partner
Jon Nightingale: Animator
Aaron Stannard: Animator
Kristian Mather: Senior Editor
Grant Walls: Editor
With Producible's expertise and their innovative "Producibility Viewfinder" tool, tailored for various video formats, Subaru devised a strategy to break through the noise.
Situation: Subaru required a standout integrated campaign to rise above End-of-Financial-Year sale noise while staying on-brand.
Solution: Subaru and Producible took an innovative approach blending live-action with animated characters:
- Seamlessly integrated "Secret Life of Pets 2" characters into Subaru showroom
- Produced multiple cohesive videos including Signature TVC, digital signposts, sticky/service pieces
- Won audience attention and memorability through creative novelty
- Breakthrough, buzzworthy campaign demonstrating commitment to creativity/strategy
- Expanded brand association with beloved film while driving sales event awareness
- Achieved broad visibility across TV, digital, and owned channels through smart production
- Showcased Subaru's brand positioning of "creating KAISAN and WONDERMENT"
Summary: Producible enabled Subaru to think outside the box, navigating and owning a crowded marketplace through an innovative, impactful approach."