Groundbreaking AI Study with University of Sydney

The University of Sydney & Producible

Examine the influence of AI on advertising creation and what areas of human intervention remain irreplaceable?


We are living through a time of rapid technological advancements and innovations in artificial intelligence technologies. AI has made significant strides in the creative industries, transforming how content is produced, personalised, and consumed. There’s little AI cannot do. AI-powered tools can now generate music, write scripts, design graphics, and even create entire marketing campaigns.These advancements increase efficiency but also open up new possibilities for innovative and immersive experiences in the creative industries. 

In an era of artificial Intelligence, the evolution of the creative process poses a compelling challenge for aspiring marketers and advertisers. Crafting advertising that resonates deeply enough to "alter attitudes" or "change behaviours" demands the right mix of technical prowess and emotional intelligence to engage audiences effectively. 


Producible briefed a cross-disciplinary cohort of students at The University of Sydney to tackle this most contemporary of conundrums facing the creative industry. A 13 week semester was spent by the 50 students to examine and provide detailed insight and understanding on how to best navigate these new waters.

Specifically touching on:

• Eliminating data bias
• Benefits of deep fake facial replacement
• Risk mitigation
• Ethical practice
• Generating truly unexpected, useful ideas


Producible enjoyed a fascinating semester working together with the students as they worked through the problem question. Key learnings and outtakes include: a) inquisitive minds from a mix of academic disciplines lead to genuinely new and provocative conversations. b) Multiple perspectives enrich comprehension through broad levels of backgrounds, experience and understanding. c) Being able to deep dive into a topic explodes preconceptions and reveals many riches.

Traits we can all apply to our creative problem solving